This article will deliver a brief overview of Basset Hounds: owning them, training them, keeping them healthy, etc.

They are irresistibly cute. They are undeniably adorable. They are without a doubt precious. They are Basset Hounds.

Basset Hounds are one of the most photographed breeds of dogs in the world. People find this breed difficult to overlook, owing to its “sad” eyes and large ears. Cameras flock to them in most cases.

When I take my 8 month old Basset Hound in public, it’s a given that there will be numerous people, of all ages, that turn their heads toward her. When I purchased my Basset Hound, I knew little about the breed, except for the fact that they are darling creatures. Within the first week or two of having her, I realized there is a lot more to the breed than just being pleasing to the eye. I made a trip to Barnes and Noble and researched some online to gain a little knowledge about this breed so many people adore.


Training your Basset Hound will take a lot of patience. You will need to be very consistent with this breed. Training your dog to sit, lay down, and stay, will require MANY treats, and a lot of praise. I’ve been told by my veterinarian, to spend 10-15 minutes each day practicing. Potty training can be a very challenging part of owning a Basset Hound. Crate training is probably the most effective way to housebreak your dog. Before putting your Basset in the crate, let them go to the bathroom. Right when you take them from their crate, let them go to the bathroom. Do not interact with them till they have left. Usually, about 30 minutes to an hour after eating, your dog will need to eliminate, so watch for signs and take them when you see those signs. Praise them after each time they eliminate! And remember, be patient!


Basset Hounds are prone to excellent health. Problems occur when the owner allows the dog to become overweight. An overweight Basset Hound will experience back problems and heart problems.


The male Basset Hound will weight in between 55-75 pounds and 12-15 inches tall (at the shoulder). Females weigh 10 pounds less and are 1 inch shorter.


Basset Hounds are very social animals and love to play. They have gentle dispositions. Great with kids! If treated well, the Basset Hound is one of the most loyal of all dog breeds. The male is not aggressive as other male dogs are known for. They can be very obstinate. (which is why training requires consistency and patience). They are obedient mostly, but when they smell something interesting, they will follow their nose, every time.


Grooming needs for this breed are necessary. The ears of your Basset Hound must be cleaned with a cotton ball and solution from your veterinarian, at least once a week. Their nails should be trimmed each week as well. When the Basset reaches full size this is important, because the amount of weight on its feet may cause the nails to become ingrown if they are too long. It is a good idea to comb your Basset pretty often to minimize shedding.

Lifespan: Basset Hounds live between 10 and 12 years on average.

Basset Hounds are a very lovely breed to own! Training them takes a lot of work, but they will bring you and your family a great deal of joy!