Dog training is an important aspect of your dog’s life since it civilize your dog. Dog training will help you create a really wonderful relationship between you and your beloved dog.

Do you know most of the dog owners got much better and faster results after completing private lessons and group classes on dog training? So some basic knowledge about dog training fetches good results on your dogs.

Elite trainers know and always follow three steps of proper dog training. The three steps are: –

  • Learning stages
  • Correction stage
  • Proofing stage

Learning stages

This should be performed in a private place or in your home itself, without distractions because dogs also learn faster like us with no distractions.

Correction Stages

Your dog is very young enough and playful, so they will make mistakes, or challenge you. Don’t punish them during training. Your dog needs to be corrected rather than punishment. Correction can be achieved by tug on a leash to stop any bad behavior or divert the dog’s attention.

If your dog already knows the common training words such as come, sit, stand and “NO”, but doesn’t show interest on it means that it requires proper distraction proof. How about around other dogs, kids, strangers, kids, other dogs, or squirrels? Does he know and respond to you from a distance and off-leash then?

Proofing Stage

In this stage, you should subject your dog around distractions and in a sense, set him up for it. You should train your dog too ignore distractions, and most essentially, actual life distractions. So don’t avoid people by performing early morning walking or being a night owl.

Don’t start only with group classes or only with private lessons. This won’t work properly. Combination of house calls, followed by group classes will work like a charm and get amazing results. You need to experience this for yourself to believe it. In-group classes besides normal classes, socializing your dog around well-educated owners first and well-trained dogs. This will definitely help you to avoid embarrassments, vet bills and possibly even a lawsuit when your dog met any other dog on its way during walking, if it has not been provided with socialization training.

If your dog is already socialized around other dogs, it is necessary to join group classes, which are specially designed for your dog to maintain good temperament around unfamiliar dogs.

It is a good idea of offering treats while offering house training, but as too many sweets satiate, too many treats will spoil your dog. Your dog will work only for the treats. If discontinue the treats, your dog may stop obeying you altogether eventually.

By dog training you can correct the following bad behaviors-

  • Play-biting
  • Licking and mouthing
  • Jumping Up on you, the kids, your visitors, or just the screen/glass doors
  • Excessive Barking at your presence/absence
  • Stop Cat and Car Chasing
  • Chewing
  • Digging Holes in the yard or the Carpet
  • Humping
  • Crotch/butt Sniffing
  • Inappropriate Marking
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Stealing things
  • Begging and Whining
  • Fearfulness and Shyness

Dog house training, potty dog training and dog obedience training can easily be achieved on your dog after getting a handful of knowledge about dog training. Then you may ask question- where shall I get basic ideas about dog training. Now I am going to offer you simple ideas of dog training and also useful articles also. Please go through it to have perfectly orderly pet.

Doghouse training

Puppies are extremely notorious for chewing up thing like pillows, slippers, etc., House training can be given only if you are able to catch your dog while it is in the action of destroying something. Dog training in the house is extremely useful to get fruitful results.

Immediately after catching your dog while it is in the act of damaging something, take the object away from him and utter in a deep voice, “NO!” then “Baaaaaaad Dog” several times. Most importantly don’t yell him or hit him. You can follow the same technique for other bad behavior also, such as play biting, jumping up etc., or you can house arrest your dog in its crate for 15 minutes as punishment for this bad act. Your dog understands well.

House training a dog can consume more time and effort. But young puppies can be trained in no time than old dogs, as teaching new tricks to old dog is difficult.

Dog Potty Training

Training your dog not to use the house, as a potty is the difficult part in the dog training. Potty training should be started immediately to your puppy before it crosses 3 months. You should know that puppy don’t have control on their bladder until it reaches 3 months of age. It is better enough to start the dog-potty training during your puppy’s 2 months age also. During the dog potty training of your new puppy during its first couple of months, take your pup outside for every 2 or 3 hours or so. If your pup gets accustomed to this, it will get dog potty training at this early age itself. Moreover, dog potty training at older age will be very easy for the pups those who have been trained early dog potty training.

If your dog goes potty in your home, don’t yell at him or rub its nose. When you note him doing this type of potty, say in a deep voice again, “No, baaaaad dog” and immediately rush him outside and give him a command too pee. This clearly give an impression to your dog that you don’t like it , so it will with hold its natures call until you take him out.

Dog Obedience Training

You should spare for “dog obedience training” session at least 15 minutes each day. In dog obedience training, there are only a few basic training points such as sit, stay, heel, no bark, down, dog potty training, etc.,

Say, “sit”, and pressurize the dog to obey for the command. Give the command in “masterful” voice with no pitch but with no hesitation. If he does the command correctly, remember to award your dog with appreciation in a high voice-especially during training sessions or even you can give him his favorite treat. You should not forget that during doghouse training your dog wouldn’t get bored. So don’t give command in too many times in a row but you will need to make the dog do the command a lot in the beginning.

You should give command according to the act of the dog. For example if your dog is jumping from a height, give a command “Jump” and ask it to do for at least 4-5 times. You should remember that your dog doesn’t speak your mother tongue and only recognize certain words.

The tips are basics only. A full guide may show you much more and will show you what exactly what to do in more detail. These full guides can easily be obtained by downloading different e-books available in the net.