Exercising your new puppy requires more than opening and closing the back door. All puppies need regular exercise in order to grow up to be healthy, well-developed dogs.

If you’ve ever been the proud owner of a puppy, you know just how much energy they have. However, one thing that many puppy owners don’t realize is that – despite all this play-time – they actually need a certain amount of exercise in order to develop correctly. It’s easy to think that because your puppy is outside a lot or enjoys running around in the yard, that they’re getting enough exercise. In fact, it’s important to work with your new puppy every day to be sure that he or she gets the physical activity necessary for proper growth.

For example, a puppy that’s taken out for a walk on a leash for set thirty to forty-five minutes a day will develop much better than one who’s just left in the yard to run and play on its own. This is because dogs can be just as lazy as humans. If they aren’t made to get up and move around regularly, they may eventually adapt a more sedentary lifestyle.

In addition, if left on its own too much, the puppy might become destructive with your property. In search of a way to occupy its time and attention, your new puppy could very easily chew up something important or dig five new holes in your backyard. Spending time exercising your dog in a planned-out and timely manner can greatly help reduce the occurrence of bad behavior in many puppies.

While it may not be possible for you to walk your dog for thirty minutes or more a day, it’s important that your dog engage in some form of controlled exercise for at least that long. Your “doggie exercise program” could be as simple as playing fetch with your puppy in the backyard with a tennis ball or a Frisbee. If you have a smaller dog, you could even spend time playing with one of his or her favorite toys on the living room floor for this amount of time.

If you want to be a little more complex with your solution, you could also enroll your puppy in an agility class. These classes involve courses that are set up for dogs to practice their agility through speed and strength training. While this may not appeal to all puppies, it’s generally something that dogs of herding ancestry – like collies, shepherds, and healers – often enjoy very much. If you aren’t sure whether or not your puppy would like this type of thing, contact an instructor to see if they’d be willing to let you and your dog sit in on a class or two without having to sign a large contract.

When you think about exercising your puppy, don’t just think about the physical well-being of your dog. Also think about the emotional stability that you’ll be created through this activity. Puppies that are regularly exercised and spend more time with their owners tend to be more socialized and better behaved dogs when they grow up. Getting into a good exercise routine when your dog is still a puppy will help them stay healthier longer – you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.